Social Media and Wildlife Trafficking

Social Media and Wildlife Trafficking

DONATE Social Media & Wildlife Trafficking:  Breaking the vicious cycle of cruelty and suffering   A new report highlights the devastating impact of social media on primates and other wildlife.  By PASA Staff Think social media is wildlife-friendly? A recent...
Wildlife Crime Won’t Stop Him

Wildlife Crime Won’t Stop Him

DONATE Wildlife Crime Won’t Stop Him After traffickers firebombed his offices, wildlife warrior Héritier Mpo must rebuild his rescue organization. By PASA Staff Imagine having your life’s work go up in flames. All your equipment destroyed, detailed records...
Four Chimps Find Sanctuary

Four Chimps Find Sanctuary

DONATE Four Chimps Find Sanctuary Thanks to Perseverance!  PASA and our partners worked for four years to help these chimps get a second chance at life – just in time for World Chimpanzee Day! By Jean Fleming It’s World Chimpanzee Day and we can’t think of a...